Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) is taking additional steps to help ensure customers can maintain their coverage and access the care they need during the COVID-19 public health emergency.
Blue Cross NC will allow a 30-day extension to pay premiums. This will help members and employers who are facing financial difficulties due to COVID-19. Members or employers are encouraged to notify us if they need assistance.
For Medicare Advantage and Medicare Advantage Part D (Medicare RX) customers, related to Part C provider network access: Waive prior authorization for out-of-network requirements
Increasing access to medications Blue Cross NC is waiving early medication refill limits. This way, members can have the medicines they need on hand. Members can ask their doctor to order a 90-day prescription of their maintenance medication(s) for ongoing conditions or needs and ask for these to be mail-ordered for delivery. State and federal laws, formulary and quantity limits, and prior authorizations regarding prescriptions will still apply. This change applies to all Blue Cross NC cardholders.
Expanding Coverage for Virtual Care Visits Virtual doctor visits will be covered the same as face-to-face visits according to a member’s health plan. Virtual visits include appointments with primary care providers, specialists, behavioral health providers, and any NC licensed providers who can provide services via secure video or telephone. This applies to all members. Blue Cross NC strongly encourages people to seek virtual care whenever possible. This will save lives by preventing the spread of disease and reduce the strain on our hospitals, emergency rooms, and urgent care centers.
The company is committed to helping members afford and keep their coverage throughout and after the COVID-19 public health emergency.
For additional ways that BCBSNC is working to ease the challenges for clients go to
