"This plan is better than my old employer's accident plan.
When my son got hurt while riding his motorcycle, they paid all his medical bills!"
-Beverly W, Franklinton NC
Accident Plan Highlights
Coverage can start as early as the following day
$5,000 of Accident protection costs $29.36 with $0 Deductible for an individual per month
$25,000 of Accident protection costs $107.47 with $0 Deductible for a family per month
Individuals can select $2,500 - $15,000 of protection
Families can select $2,500 to $25,000 of protection
If you purchase family coverage, protection is available for all members of the family up to accident "bank" maximum
You can save when you include a $500 Deductible to the plan, two deductibles per family
For a claim to be eligible for payment, care of an ACCIDENT must be obtained from a doctor, urgent care or hospital emergency room within one week of the accident.
This is a claim reimbursement system.
Claims checks will be paid directly to you
How can Accident Insurance help?
Protect Your Family and Finances with Personal Accident Insurance
Did you know that every year, more than 3.5 million kids under age 14 receive medical treatment for sports injuries and that children ages 5 to 14 account for nearly 40 percent of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals? With those odds, it's likely that it's not a matter of if, but a matter of when you and your family will experience an accident. Gone are the days when you paid a small copay when you took a family member to the hospital emergency room. Today, even a small accident can seriously impact your budget since you may be responsible for thousands, especially if your health plan has a large deductible. ​
​Protect your hard-earned wages and savings with Personal Accident Insurance. Your health plan provides benefits to help with medical costs if you suffer an accidental injury. In that unfortunate event, you shouldn’t have to worry about unexpected financial setbacks as a result of an injury. You could be responsible for your health plan deductible before your health plan will pay for anything. Deductibles can range from $1,000 to $8,100. An Accident plan can pay your deductible and out of pocket expenses. It can also pay for things like lost wages plus your out-of-pocket expenses and the cost for help with transportation, meals, childcare, or even housekeeping which can all add up.
Personal Accident Insurance from LifeSecure Insurance Company can help. It provides cash benefits regardless of any other insurance you have. By pairing it with your medical plan, you can extend your protection to help with those unexpected costs so you can focus on healing.

If you have questions or want assistance applying, contact Leslie directly.
​For applicants who are returning to complete an application – If you did not complete an application on your initial visit, you may return to access your partially completed application later. Clink the button below and enter the Username and Password you selected during your prior visit.
LifeSecure Insurance Company, based in Brighton, MI, is solely responsible for and underwrites the Hospital Recovery insurance product. These insurance policies have exclusions and limitations.
Visit www.YourLifeSecure.com for product information, by state.