Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina (Blue Cross NC) announced that it will cover virtual doctor visits, including those done by phone, the same as face-to-face visits according to Under 65 member’s health plan guidelines. This is an expansion of the telehealth benefits Blue Cross NC has previously offered. Blue Cross NC previously required video for virtual care visits. Covering audio-only visits will allow more people to access care at home. This change in coverage is intended to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by limiting exposure, mitigating the surge of demand on our healthcare system and helping protect health professionals on the front lines. For more details go to
On March 6, Blue Cross NC announced it will cover all out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 testing. This applies whether or not a member has met their deductible. The company also announced it will not require prior approval for that testing, or other medically necessary services for any members who are diagnosed with the disease.
For additional information on how BCBSNC will assist members fight the coronavirus

Leslie S McMillan is Marketplace Elite Circle of Champions Health Insurance Broker, Certified to sell Healthcare .gov Health plans, Medicare Plans such as Medicare Supplements, Medicare RX plans and Medicare Advantage Plans, Short Term Medical Health plans, Accident and Life Insurance. She is available by phone or email to answer your questions. She is always "Bringing Clarity to Confusion". Reach out to her today.